Prophetic Word: Consecrating Waves of Glorious Power in 2024


I received this word from the Lord as I pressed into prayer for 2024 on December 31st, 2023. I wasn’t led to release it until now, as I sense the wave rising!


“There will be healing power manifesting and displaying My Kingship over Wisconsin in 2024.

My healing power will flow through the oasis-es of My Spirit, through the people who seek My Presence and through those who love and desire My face. Those who yearn for My power will seek Me in desperation, laying off the weights and chains that cling so closely and setting aside the distractions that tempt them to seek another other than My face. 

This power will begin to bubble up and overflow and work through those people who have been yearning for My compassion to be demonstrated upon the face of the earth. 

My power will come with a cost. It will cost dignity [fueled by ungodly arrogance], it will cost people’s human worth [their worldly, fleshly and arrogant pride], it will cost everything that My Son has paid for… but the rewards are high. The rewards are already there, yet not fully perceived. 


My power will result in waves of My glory like the earth has not yet seen. It will flow from the Chippewa Valley into many other cities in Wisconsin, and then into the nations. My power will draw people from the north, to the south, from the east to the west… it will draw people who are broken, but it will also draw people who are full of joy and who yearn for my power to be displayed throughout the earth. 

My power isn’t to puff anyone up but it is to display and magnify My proper reign. My power isn't to validate any person, but it is to validate My Son. My power will yet be scoffed at by the religious. It will yet be denied by the Pharisees, My power will yet cause division among families, among churches who neglect my Spirit– who neglect My power– yet, it must be so. For my power must be displayed among the earth in these measures. These measures that will divide and in these measures that will conquer the religious and sift the chaff from the wheat of my true remnant and true people. 

This power will be glorious–the angels have longed to see– this power is My resurrecting shaking power that resurrected My Son from the grave. This power I will pour out like honey and oil upon the earth. This power I have prepared for such a time as this. This power, I delight to give to My children and I delight to use to draw all men unto Myself. This power must be coupled with a deep consecration and a deep reverence for My Word. This power must flow from both Spirit and Truth, this power is not to be wielded willy-nilly, but is to be yielded with awe, and fear, and reverence of Me. Yet I will teach you how to wield this power in My name and for My glory alone. 

power will cause a purifying + a marking

This power will cause a purifying among My people, a purifying that can seem harsh in the moment, a purifying that can seem challenging to bear. And yet, My people will bear this purifying well because My Spirit will uphold them and strengthen them through power. 

This power will be a marking. A marking of My people who truly call upon my name– and My people who don’t yet truly know Me. This power will draw more people to Me, but yet it will cause the religious to run farther and farther away.. Yet still doing so falsely in My name. 


But, take heart! I have overcome the world. Take heart! I know what I’m doing with My power. Take heart! For the Holy Spirit will teach you all these things! Take heart! I will sustain. Take heart! I will never leave you nor forsake you. Take heart! You will see my glory upon the earth. Take heart! I will enact my plan from ages old. Take heart! For the King is coming. 

Take heart! Yes—I know exactly the way. Take heart! I have prepared My people for such a time as this. Take heart! It will be finished– completed– in power.”


See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19

For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. Habakkuk 2:14

This power I will pour out like honey and oil upon the earth. This power I have prepared for such a time as this. This power, I delight to give to My children and I delight to use to draw all men unto Myself. This power must be coupled with a deep consecration and a deep reverence for My Word.
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I’m On Mission to Raise + Release

Charismatic Disciples of Jesus 🙌

Hey, I’m Rachel! I’m a Spirit-filled theologian and follower of Jesus. I’ve witnessed miracles, deliverance, and the impact of the power of the Holy Spirit as it falls and touches people’s lives. I’m called to raise up theologians and disciples who are birthed in prayer and are committed to living in the presence of God.

If you’re hungry for the more of God, if you desperately want to grow in prayer and in spiritual gifts, and if you desire to study His Word deeply and demonstrate it in your life in proclamation and power… you’re in the right place!

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Prophetic Word: Will You Be Among His Desperate Ones?


Prophetic Word: The Children are Restless