Prophetic Word: Will You Be Among His Desperate Ones?

"Desperation draws the permission of My presence. Desperation demands My touch... yearns for Me. Desperation leads to a despising of sin, a rejection of wrongdoing...

"Desperation deepens the expanse of the well I am able to pour into. Desperation declares desire for Me. Desperation depicts the need. Desperation depicts the hopelessness. Desperation depicts the reality that there is no cure except by My blood. There is no way except through Me. There is no [other] purpose than that which is My own. There is no [other] life than the life abundant.

"I'm waiting. I'm looking. I'm sending revival to desperation; I'm sending healing to desperation. I'm sending freedom to the desperate. I'm sending wisdom to the desperate. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life... Are you desperate for Me?"

He Is Raising up His Desperate Ones

He's raising up a people who will remain desperate. He's raising up a people who won't be satisfied until they have more of Him. He's raising up a people who won't stop crying out in desperation until they see the Kingdom of God on Earth as it is Heaven.

He's raising up a people who will taste and see that the Lord is good, that His steadfast love remains forever (Psalm 34:8), but who won't stop until they sit at that banquet table of the marriage supper of the Lamb (Revelation 19:6–9) and enjoy and worship God forever and ever.

He's raising up a people who are not complacent, who are not lulled and rocked to sleep by the flagrant and passing delicacies or comforts of this world.

He's raising up a people who know Him, yes, but who also long, thirst, and hunger to know Him more and more and more and more (Matthew 5:6). (Photo via Rawpixel)

He's looking for a people who won't bow their knee to Baal, won't satisfy their flesh with pornography or alcohol or food or success or religion... He's looking for a people who won't stop growing in Christ until they look like Him, until they bear His image upon the earth.

He's looking for the "Marys," the women at the well, the "Davids," the "John the Baptists," the "Peters," the "Ruths," and the "Daniels" of this day and hour.

Will We Be His Desperate Ones?

I became quite familiar with desperation as a PICU (pediatric intensive care unit) nurse.

I've sat solemnly with parents as they've cried out to God in desperation for their son, for their daughter. I've known the look of desperation behind eyes that have not seen sleep, and hearts that long for a different diagnosis, or a hopeful test result. The desperation of a parent crying out on behalf of their dying child is the highest form of desperation.

And you know who is desperate like this—who has done everything He can to save His children from themselves, from sin, from the enemy, from the world? God. God is a loving Father who is desperate for His children to come home. He knows this longing better than any of us, and He's made a way. He's drawing the desperate ones.

Will we, children of God, mirror our Father's desperation for those who are dying spiritually among us as He does? Will we cry out for an awakening, a revival, a harvest like the world has never before seen? Do we, as ambassadors of the King, take our assignment so seriously that we are desperate for it to be completed, that we work heartily, that we advance His Kingdom, that we fight against wickedness with such a fierce fury of desperation that we won't stop until the assignment is completed?

Will we be among His desperate ones?


Originally published and featured on the Elijah List. Find the original piece here.

Will we cry out for an awakening, a revival, a harvest like the world has never before seen? Do we, as ambassadors of the King, take our assignment so seriously that we are desperate for it to be completed, that we work heartily, that we advance His Kingdom, that we fight against wickedness with such a fierce fury of desperation that we won’t stop until the assignment is completed?
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Charismatic Disciples of Jesus 🙌

Hey, I’m Rachel! I’m a Spirit-filled theologian and follower of Jesus. I’ve witnessed miracles, deliverance, and the impact of the power of the Holy Spirit as it falls and touches people’s lives. I’m called to raise up theologians and disciples who are birthed in prayer and are committed to living in the presence of God.

If you’re hungry for the more of God, if you desperately want to grow in prayer and in spiritual gifts, and if you desire to study His Word deeply and demonstrate it in your life in proclamation and power… you’re in the right place!

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