Prophetic Word: The Children are Restless

Introduction from Andrew Whalen:

Let me introduce you to an amazing young woman, Rachel Lawrence! I have had the privilege and joy of getting to know her over the past few years. She is a servant-leader who demonstrates faithfulness, love, and passion for the Lord and His people. Rachel is a well of wisdom, gifted articulator, prayer warrior, and discerning prophetic voice. Maybe the most valuable gift I've experienced with Rachel is the purity and sincerity of her heart—talk about refreshing!

I am overjoyed that you will get to receive from the Lord through Rachel Lawrence. There is a brilliance on her life that will shine through her words! Every time I'm around her, I get inspired, encouraged, and joyful! We desperately need prophetic voices like hers in these times to strengthen the Body. May you also receive inspiration, joy, and strength by the power of the Spirit as you hear from Rachel!

Andrew Whalen
Vanquish Prophet Warriors

Generation Alpha and the Greatest Awakening

The prodigal children are coming home, yes, but I believe generation alpha will begin the greatest awakening.

I'm a mother of four children who are part of generation alpha, and daily I witness a hunger and faith among them that is refined, pure, and will awaken the nations. The Lord has imminent and spectacular plans for generation alpha!

Generation Alpha Will Be the Awakening of Family!

Recently, the Lord gave me a dream. In the dream, I was in a large, spacious, and beautifully exquisite home with other families. Each family had their own room and space, and each room was fashioned with the riches of the world, leaving no lack or want of earthly goods. The riches and gluttony were lulling the parents to sleep. Moms and dads alike were bloated with pleasure and coma-like sleeping. I walked among them, awakened to this lullaby of dry and spiritual numbness.

The home was sterile and stale. A soul-sucking vortex permeated the atmosphere. Although the home appeared beautiful, darkness lingered. Love was entirely absent. Peace was nowhere to be found. This was not their home.

Dogs were barking and pacing, trying to awaken the home to the danger that lurked. The enemy had been prowling around the home, waiting for the opportune time, until the parents were asleep and unaware. The enemy was now at the door, ready to steal, kill, and destroy the children. The parents remained asleep.

The children, however, were not sleeping. In the center of this spacious home was the living room, where all of the children had been quartered in by an oversized baby gate and given things to consume by their parents. Junk food and sugary snacks were littered all over the floor. The children were bloated, just like their parents, and they were energized with a buzzing energy from the sugar they had consumed.

The living room walls were covered with oversized TV screens, and tablets were in each of the children's hands; their faces were illuminated in an eerie iridescence of blue light. Their eyes were devoid of pupils and irises, and were a dulled white. They were lifeless. This entertainment had satisfied and zombie-fide them for a time, but the time was ending. There were some of the children who were becoming restless; they were becoming hungry. They were beginning to deny entertainment and to search for truth. They were beginning to hunger for meat instead of sugar.

All of a sudden, the Spirit hovered over the void and over the lifeless eyes. I watched as the veil of screen-lit iridescence was lifted from one child to the next. They stood up, one by one, radiating in splendor, with the eyes of Christ in each. Fire adorned their heads. Each child rushed into their parents' room and began shaking them awake, not because of fear but because of passion. There was a holy fire spreading and consuming all that had snuffed out the flame.

I heard the Father's voice cry out, "The children are being awakened, because they are ready to rest in their Father's house!"

I woke up at that moment to my youngest child, Zion, not crying but awake and babbling. The clock illuminated 12:12.

The Children Are Restless

Parents, it's time to teach your children truth. The Holy Spirit is awakening children in this hour to TRUTH! As I prayed through this dream, the Lord shared this with me:

"I will sweep a move of hunger among the youth of this world—a new move of My Spirit to bring generations into My promised land, [a] move of My Spirit to spark curiosity, awaken young minds, and regenerate tender, child-like hearts to My Truth.

"The children are restless. No longer will they slumber to the lull of entertainment and gluttony. No longer will they be satisfied by their flesh, or the enemy's amusement to force them to sleep, caged in cribs that are not of their Father's house.

"The children will awaken their parents because they refuse to be cradled by complacency. My Spirit is sparking them to refuse to be bogged down by media and lackadaisical consumption; they are readied for My truth.

"They will awaken nations. They will display wonders and proclaim [the] wisdom of My name that only the Spirit will reveal. They are restless, because they will not rest until they find their rest in Me.

"Parents, wake up! Parents, raise your children in My way! Parents, pay heed to My Spirit moving among the children in waves.

"I'm bringing generations into My promised land!

"Heed this call of awakened and no longer sleeping children. Heed this call in your hearts, parents, that the enemy is prowling to steal, kill, and destroy your children.

"Parents, WAKE UP! Parents, return to your Father's house. Your children will not rest until they are there.

"Selah. Selah to My children. You will rest in My peace. You will rest in My house. Mark My word."

May generation alpha, Lord, be the genesis of Your greatest awakening! In Your name, Jesus, AMEN! May it ever the more be so!


Originally published and featured on the Elijah List. Find the original piece here.

I heard the Father’s voice cry out, ‘The children are being awakened, because they are ready to rest in their Father’s house!’
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Charismatic Disciples of Jesus 🙌

Hey, I’m Rachel! I’m a Spirit-filled theologian and follower of Jesus. I’ve witnessed miracles, deliverance, and the impact of the power of the Holy Spirit as it falls and touches people’s lives. I’m called to raise up theologians and disciples who are birthed in prayer and are committed to living in the presence of God.

If you’re hungry for the more of God, if you desperately want to grow in prayer and in spiritual gifts, and if you desire to study His Word deeply and demonstrate it in your life in proclamation and power… you’re in the right place!

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