Prophetic Poetry: The Limitless City of Burnout

About two months ago, the Lord began allowing my soul to be weak.

I heard Jesus actually say, “I’m allowing your soul to be weakened, because I cannot reach through its mask of strength to prune away what I really need to.” I found myself feeling deeply weak… this wasn’t an easy lesson. I caught myself, in the beginning of this season, saying things like, “I don’t like to be weak,” as tears filled my eyes. Which is true, I don’t. 

I mulled over the verse and in desperation, I meditated upon it, asking Holy Spirit to teach me it, “But He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9 

I clung to this Word, like a life-vest, trusting that God would do His work of pruning as I abided—ever so WEAKLY—to the Vine. 

If I can be totally honest, this may have been one of the hardest pruning seasons of my life. Taking off the mask of strength from my soul (mind, will, emotions) was like ripping off the fig leaves that kept me hidden and safe in my own strength. 

What was the root of what needed to be cut off? Pride. It came from my flesh in the form of self-sufficiency; beginning to rely on myself instead of on God—in ministry, in life, in my time, you name it. It crept in quick and in crept in fast. 

It wasn’t that I was never operating out of His strength, in fact, His strength and power in my life has been increasing even more than my self-sufficiency has, solely by His grace. But, self-sufficiency wasn’t meant to increase in this season, it was meant to DIE. 

The Lord helped me write this poem. I felt His presence and His words come forth, as He took me through this tender re-routing and as He pruned away pride. This poem ranks one of my favorite things I have ever written because of the journey He has taken me on, allowing Him to be my ever-present help and strength, and surrendering my weakness to Him. 

I felt compelled to share because there’s MANY whom He wants to lead away from Burnout. There’s MANY whom He is empowering in this season, and there’s MANY whose self-sufficiency needs to be crucified. 

Take off the mask of strength, and put on His.

It’s a better road, sweet Follower.


The Limitless City of Burnout

An Allegorical Poem By Rachel Lynn Lawrence

I walked to the edge of Burnout, a city with no limits. 

It smelled of sulfur and dry bones of the ones who had gone it. 

“Woe is me,” I began to feel, as I inhaled the atmosphere. 

I awoke from exasperation and stopped in my tracks right here. 

I turned around, the other way, to see the path I had been on. 

“How did I get here?” I thought, “Surely my map must have been wrong.”

Then the Lord’s voice boomed…tenderly, Jesus was at my side, 

“Oh, sweet Follower,” He said, “The way you’ve gotten here is following after pride.”

“It’s deceitful and wicked, cloaks itself in light. 

It appears good, very good, but ends only in fright.”

“Your works can never measure to the path I have you on. 

My path is straight and narrow, it's where victory is already won.”

“Take heart! Oh, Follower, I have plans for your good.

This self-sufficiency which leads to Burnout was revealed just as it should.”

“The remedy, sweet Follower, is to simply take My hand. 

Don’t worry about the past, I’m taking you into the Promise Land.”

“All of Heaven is watching, as My sons and daughters are revealed, 

There's My Kingdom to be advanced, it is no longer concealed.”

“I have many things for you to do– it’s true– plans for your good.”

“But My work comes from the place of Rest, not the other way around. 

My work is not burdensome, it doesn’t lead to Burnout Town.”

“In your strength, you’ll perish. You’re weaker than you think. 

But here’s My strength– please take it– this bread, eat, and My cup, drink!”

I inhaled His promises…and cast away all fear. 

I laid down my to-do list and simply drew near.

I found two mangy sticks along that dreadful path. 

I fastened them into a cross and wedged them into dry ground.

On the top I wrote, ‘Jesus is King of Kings,’ don’t enter Burnout Town.

I left some things at that cross, and on my knees I bowed. 

I took all of my heavy load and I left it on the edge of Burnout Town. 

I crucified my pride, self-sufficiency, and sense of limitlessness. 

I bore my soul to the Lord, and He clothed me in His Righteousness. 

I stood up, full of peace, full of joy, and full of love, 

I became cloaked in an array of splendor, 

Carrying manna from Above. 

Jesus led me to the way of righteousness, which leads to Eternity.

I sighed a relief of gratitude, that Burnout had lost its grip on me. 

So the next time I think, “Oh, don’t worry, I’m high capacity.” or, 

“I can do this on my own,” I’ll repent… for Burnout is no place for me.

Once again, I’ll crucify whatever has to die, I’ll look up, and take His hand,

For Jesus never leaves my side. 

I’ll walk with Him and trust Him. He knows where I belong. 

He’s leading me to Eternity,

Through Heavenly Gates is my Home. 

In your strength, you’ll perish. You’re weaker than you think. 

But here’s My strength– please take it– this bread, eat, and My cup, drink!
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I’m On Mission to Raise +Release

Charismatic Disciples of Jesus 🙌

Hey, I’m Rachel! I’m a Spirit-filled theologian and follower of Jesus. I’ve witnessed miracles, deliverance, and the impact of the power of the Holy Spirit as it falls and touches people’s lives. I’m called to raise up theologians and disciples who are birthed in prayer and are committed to living in the presence of God.

If you’re hungry for the more of God, if you desperately want to grow in prayer and in spiritual gifts, and if you desire to study His Word deeply and demonstrate it in your life in proclamation and power… you’re in the right place!

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Prophetic poetry burnout pilgrim's progress

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