Prophetic Word to the Bride of Christ: “Will You Dance With Me?”

Two years ago, the Lord thrust me into a season of deep communion with Him.

I had just birthed my fourth child, and in this newborn season, I was spending extended time in the secret place with Jesus. At every waking hour, I’d meet with the Lord in prayer. I hadn’t realized it, then, but the Lord was still birthing something within me. It was His very presence. It was a conception of a deep union with Christ. 

At my son’s 6-week newborn check-up, I noticed that there had been a marked shift within my being. As I walked through the Clinic that day, I felt the spirit of intercession fall upon me as Holy Spirit highlighted people I passed. I couldn’t help but pray and prophesy over strangers, bringing an overflow of His presence to those who were sick and weary and needing His rest.


In the exam room, I held my newborn son’s skin close to my chest, and I waited for the physician to come in the room. I glanced over at the small rectangle mirror that hung on the wall. I then saw the Great Physician, as His eyes stared at me through my very own. 

I gazed at the mirror, looking into eyes that were like a deep ocean. I gazed upon the gaze of my Savior, Jesus. His eyes were supernaturally visible through mine. The depth of the love contained in His eyes was magnificent and unending, it was deep unto deep, and it called for me to immerse myself in it.

After a couple of minutes, the experience faded as my eyes became my own, filled with tears, and wide open with awe.  I heard the Lord say to my spirit, “See! …I AM with you.” 

The physician came in as I pondered this experience in my heart. As she examined my son, the next thing I heard the Lord say was, “Will you dance with Me?” This seemed odd. I didn’t know what this meant, and I questioned God as to if that was Him or not. 

As I strolled my son out of the exam room, and as we began to make our way out of the clinic. I was again struck at what my eyes saw; the clinic’s art gallery was featuring ballroom dancers. Life-sized paintings of ballroom dancers filled the walls. As I was drawn, laughing in the spirit, to the paintings, I saw the first two titles. One was “Heaven,” and the other was “Gold Dust.” 

Through what became a duration of months of series of visions, words from the Lord, and prophetic words through me and to me, Jesus has mightily been declaring an invitation for His grand dance. It became apparent that this invitiation is not merely over solely me, but over His prepared Bride.

I now hear Jesus issue this invitation to His Bride in this hour:

Will you dance with me?

Like a ballroom dance, I burn away your wretched garments, through flames of my purifying fire, clothing you in dazzling white, and embracing you—warm, intimate, and close. Be confident, beloved, in my leading. I grasp your hand and twirl you out in ministry and service for me, and I will pull you back close in my due time to minister and serve you with my presence and love.

Will you dance with me?

Like a joyous Irish dig, I dance to the beat of worshipful percussion. Do you see my joyful jig? Do you hear my bellowing laughter? Do you feel my joy poured upon your head? I’ll dance undignified in comparison to religious ideas and idols crafted of me. I joyously dance in the midst of your heartfelt worship of me. Release the beat to the heartbeat of my Name. Join in joyfully, not caring about who may see.

Will you dance with me?

Like a Samurai warrior, I poise you for battle. I direct the wielding of my saber I have sharpened —this weapon I continue to sharpen through my Word and through iron-sharpening fellowship. This saber I have granted to your hand. In the form of stillness there is grace and power. The wielding is our dance. As you listen to my voice, this weapon wielding will be active and rhythmically response at my command. You are poised for battle, your sword is strong in Me.

Will you dance with me?

Like a Native American tribal dance,  my host of Heaven surrounds me.  Mighty and clothed in victorious splendor. Do you see all of Heaven joining in? Can you picture the dance of eternity? The war-cry celebration that is already in place? In the center, I dance victoriously. I call you in to celebrate Spirit-led victories in my Name.

Will you dance with Us?

Beloved, my hand stretches forward, and I lovingly beckon you to accept my invitation to dance.

I rejoice over you with singing, yes, but also with dancing! I love the way you dance”

Scriptures that come to mind:

Revelation 7:9, NLT

“After this I saw a vast crowd, too great to count, from every nation and tribe and people and language, standing in front of the throne and before the Lamb. They were clothed in white robes and held palm branches in their hands.”

Zephaniah 3:17, AMP

“The Lord your God is in your midst, A Warrior who saves. He will rejoice over you with joy; He will be quiet in His love [making no mention of your past sins], He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy.”

Revelation 3:5, ESV

The one who conquers will be clothed thus in white garments, and I will never blot his name out of the book of life. I will confess his name before my Father and before his angels.

John 17:21, NASB 

“that they may all be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me.”

The Divine Dance | Perichoresis

I didn’t know this then–but the Lord has a sovereign way of teaching–the Trinity is like a “Divine Dance.” Theologians describe the Trinity as having perichoresis, which is a greek word which means to “dance around”. There is a dance taking place between the three persons of the Trinity in which they flow from one another freely. This brings an image of different flames of one fire dancing, but being of the same source and personhood. Each of the three persons glorify one another and freely give one another authority and divine power. They all work towards a mutual goal and share all that they are and all that they have. The greek terms thea physis means that believers partake in the “divine nature” of the Trinity. This means that we, as followers of Jesus,  are intimately involved and an active part of the life the three Persons of the Trinity. We, having Holy Spirit in us and us being in Him, are living in this Divine Dance. 

Will we dance with You? Yes, Father, yes! 

I gazed at the mirror, looking into eyes that were like a deep ocean. I gazed upon the gaze of my Savior, Jesus. His eyes were supernaturally visible through mine. The depth of the love contained in His eyes was magnificent and unending, it was deep unto deep, and it called for me to immerse myself in it.
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I’m On Mission to Raise + Release

Charismatic Disciples of Jesus 🙌

Hey, I’m Rachel! I’m a Spirit-filled theologian and follower of Jesus. I’ve witnessed miracles, deliverance, and the impact of the power of the Holy Spirit as it falls and touches people’s lives. I’m called to raise up theologians and disciples who are birthed in prayer and are committed to living in the presence of God.

If you’re hungry for the more of God, if you desperately want to grow in prayer and in spiritual gifts, and if you desire to study His Word deeply and demonstrate it in your life in proclamation and power… you’re in the right place!

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The Lord transformed me into a new level of glory through this experience. Listen to how this catapulted my prayer life and intimacy with the Lord in a message I gave with a fellow intercessor.

spoken Prophetic Word: Will You Dance with Me?

Rachel originally released this word at the Churches on Fire Conference in 2023.

In the entire message (watch here), she speaks on her journey to deeper prayer and intercession

through meeting Jesus in the secret place of prayer and experiencing union with Christ


Prophetic Word: The Children are Restless